Monday, August 31, 2015

Polychrist Syncretism

The founders of our nation were not perfect, but they were very intelligent men that understood human nature, and history. They had the benefit of hind sight, they were able to see the noble attributes of the civilizations of the past, and also the failures. They chose to pattern their new government system after the noblest, and most successful system that they could find throughout history, the one that had been perfectly tailored for liberty and freedom, and their choice was the old Republic of Rome, before it became an empire. 

Rome did not start out as a republic, but rather a monarchy. It was a monarchy for 250 years, and then a republic for about 500 years, and then a empire for the remaining 450 years until it was dismembered by turmoil.

It was the republic system that made Rome extremely strong, but the conversion to an empire started its slow decline, and the founders of our nation considered this when they wrote the fail-safes into the foundation so that it would be impossible for a popular political figure to acquire that much power in a constitutional atmosphere. 

Even in Rome's beginning as a monarchy it was strong, and it grew, but when it became a republic it was practicing representative government, and syncretism in its religious system which made it extremely cohesive,and alluring, which created a very conducive environment for solid growth. 

But what is syncretism? Why is it so important for creating a stable National System? 
  syn·cre·tism n. 1. Reconciliation or fusion of differing systems of belief, as in philosophy or religion, especially when success is partial or the result is heterogeneous. 

A very interesting word indeed, and we shall see why it was and is very important to a Republic.

If one seeks to explore truth regarding mankind and his practices, then it is important to rewind all the way back to the beginning, in this case back to the beginning of civilization just after the destruction of the ancient world by the flood. 

As mankind migrated east in the decades following the flood, they came to the broad plain of Shinar in Mesopotamia, by all accounts a beautiful, lush area, perfect for a civilization. Up until this time their leader was a king whose name was Nimrod who was a 'mighty hunter', and he developed some of the major cities in ancient Shinar, most notably Babylon or rather in the ancient Akkadian and Sumerian dialects: Bab-i-lu or Bab-i-el respectively, both meaning "Gate (or Gateway) of God". Everyone knows the story, how God scrambled their dialect into different languages and sent them into confusion, dispersing them to the various parts of the world, which created all the nations eventually. Now all of this begs the question: What was so wrong with what they were doing?  Why was it necessary to do that to them? 

If we examine the present day nations and cities, we naturally wouldn't think anything special about a group of people building a city with a tall tower in the middle, in fact mankind more or less does this sort of thing all the time.  So our reaction would probably be, "So what else is new?" So lets take a look at the actual event and see what the true reason was for the dispersion. 

Gen 11:4 They said, "Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth." 

Now just looking at these statements at face value one would not normally see anything particularly evil about them.  In fact if you look at it in a civilizational sense, it looks quite noble and romantic. After all building a beautiful city with a high tower in the middle, and naming the city "Gateway of God" would probably be a popular place now. Who knows they may have even called the Tower "The Stairway to Heaven".  It probably would have been as popular as a Mesopotamian Disneyland. All of this is still not a obvious reason to zap the place, and if we stopped here we would still not see the real reason for the dispersion, so lets continue with the story. 

Gen 11:5 The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 
Gen 11:6 The LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.

So now we are going to see the real reason why God did what He did. He came and saw the city which the people had built, which at first glance this means that they had already built the city and the tower and the city was expanding. Still we do not see anything out of the ordinary, but the following verses begin to show us the real reason why the Lord did what He did. 

In 11:6 He says: "Behold, they are one people".  Now this may not seem to be anything particularly significant, but if we examine the meaning of this statement it will help us understand where He is going with His logic. What does the statement mean?  We as Americans can certainly understand what that statement means, after all isn't our national motto: "E Pluribus Unum" (One From Many)?  One of the most sacred aspects of our civilization. So basically you could say that in this statement He is saying they are "E Pluribus Unum". Very interesting, but still we don't see anything particularly evil about that, after all civilization is the prime directive from the garden of Eden "Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth". So let's have a look at the next statement He makes. 

He says: "and they all have the same language". Well this is certainly not an evil thing in itself, so what is the significance of it?  After all isn't communication at the very heart of civilizational cohesion? Why would this be wrong? Well it isn't.  He is simply using this statement to help show us why He did what He did.  If you put both statements together it paints a picture of a very powerful civilization forming, and when we consider the next statement it shows us something very interesting about the nature of mankind. 

God said: "And this is what they began to do".  It's not like God was surprised, like, "Wow, didn't know they were going to do THAT."  But what He was saying was: under these exact circumstances there is always the probability that this will happen. What He is saying is: If a liberational group of people have the same heart, and mind, and they have the same purpose, and the same religion, and they have the same language, with ample resources, then this is what can happen. And now we come to the  exact reason why the Lord dispersed them. 

God said: "And now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them". It is apparent that what was happening here was the beginning of an extremely powerful republic type civilization that would excel in wealth and technology, and nothing would be impossible for them, and they would eventually become an empire, and like always under the influence of the dark powers, Satan would be able to hijack it, and create chaos. 

Confusing their dialect into many languages dispersed them, and created the nations.  He did not destroy Bab-i-lu, all He did was purposely delay it, because He knew that He would allow it to happen in its time. Don't you see, this is why Rome was referred to spiritually as Babylon, not referring to Rome as Babel(Hebrew name meaning confusion), but Bab-i-lu, the Babylon that was going to exist originally if it had been allowed to continue. 

Rome was powerful as a monarchy, but when they became a republic it became extremely powerful because they were practicing Syncretism, the very thing that counters the polarizing civilizational effects of the "Babel" dispersion.  Rome was absorbing people and their religions utilizing syncretism which boosted alliances and was an incredible boon for wealth, science, and technology. Rome had a very strong secular civilizational machine which was the Republic, but in order for it to work well, all of the religions of all the different peoples had to be reconciled or fused in order for it to have a high level of cohesion which is necessary for the Republic to be strong and bind all the different parts together, thats why Syncretism is always partially successful, and heterogeneous, but it does work well enough to create a powerful civilization. 

This is why The Roman political system was referred to as "The Beast", and the false Religious system was referred to as "The Woman that rides on it", the system that employs Syncretism to bind the masses. And in the fourth century when Emperor Constantine saw the potential political power of Christianity he fused it into the system, and eventually it became dominant.  Also it was hierarchical, and clergical, just like all the false religions that had been Syncretized by the Romanic system.  This is why Catholicism appears to be Christianity, but it is simply a twisted synchretized version of it, and it is the mother of all the versions that have come out of it, so you see this is why it is referred to as Babylon the Great the mother of Harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.

Europe, and America along with the emerging federation will be simply Rome 2.0, and all of the religious organizations are just Syncretized versions of the old twisted Syncretized version of true Christianity.  This is why they all say that their version is the best, but all the other ones are ok too, just not as good as theirs, and you just need to go where you feel that you fit in. 

Jesus Himself said: Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him.  For false Christs (false versions of Jesus Christ) and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.  Behold, I have told you in advance.  So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them.  You don't have to go anywhere to experience the true Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God is in your heart, if you truly belong to Him.

Jesus has warned us that many false prophets would come in His name saying that Jesus is Christ, and would mislead many, because they say that He is the Christ but they practice lawlessness, and many would perish because they followed religious leaders that looked authentic but only deceived them.

You see, Rome was Babylon (or Bab-i-lu) 2.0, and America and the rest of the Romanic type nations will make up Bab-i-lu 3.0. This is why Rome was referred to as "legs of iron" in the civilizational statue in the book of Daniel, and the feet and the toes that were made of iron and clay represent the modern Romanic civilization, which is us and our allies, America, Europe, South America, Australia, Canada, etc.

The civilization that has the iron of ancient Rome, but also has the weakness of clay, which is all the different kinds of peoples and their cultures.  This is why it says the Harlot sits on many waters, which the waters refer to many nations and languages.  Essentially it is describing Democratic Syncretism, the very thing that the false religious system is using to spread heretical religious doctrine all around the world. This is not to say that Republicanism, and Democracy are evil in themselves, what we are saying is that they are being used, and manipulated by malevolent forces that have always been at work behind the scenes.  This is why it says the "Woman (Harlot) Riding on The Beast".

The malevolent force (namely Satan) involved in this great manipulation is attempting to bring about a modern version of the ancient empire so that he can gain control of it and install his 'christ' as his avatar so to speak, and accomplish his scheme, but in order to do this he has awakened, and is polarizing the ancient nemesis of the ancient empire which is Islam, and he is attempting to play both sides against the middle (using Zionists as the antagonizing ingredient), and he will eventually be able to increase the danger to the extent that he will be able to polarize the Neo-Romanic World so that the environment will support the level of control that he will be able to seize.

There are approximately seven billion people on earth now, two billion refer to themselves as Christian, and two billion refer to themselves as Islam, and the remaining three billion are the other various religions.  It is quite obvious that the world is being polarized, and it is no accident.

Rev 18:4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues"

Come out of the false religious system and practice the truth. What the Lord Jesus said to the false religious leaders in the book of Luke applies to today also: 

Luke 16:13-18 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”
 Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things and were scoffing at Him.  And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.
 “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.  But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail.
 “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery.

A culture of people who practice Feminism (Mothers choosing to work outside the home), divorce and remarriage (which fosters adultery), abortion (which is murdering babies on the altar of feministic liberty), and the men who have become feminized spineless cowards because they not only tolerate it but some even support it, this socialist culture has doomed itself, and has twisted and corrupted the noble things that made it great, like truth and justice, this kind of a culture encourages falsehood.

Prov. 30:20 This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, “I have done no wrong.”

This is what America has become, and we must acknowledge the truth, and repent if we are to experience forgiveness, healing, and salvation.

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