Monday, April 21, 2014

The Milk of the Word

"For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.  2 Corinthians 2:17

For six thousand years now mankind has been creating all sorts of religions, and gods, and objects of worship.  Worshiping the sun, moon, and stars, things on the earth, and things that they have made with their hands.  Men, from the beginning, have turned away from the truth, and they have fabricated many religious "systems", and ways of worshiping their gods. Like at the Tower of Babel, they built a high tower to reach to the heavens, so that they could touch the heavens, become great, and make a name for themselves.  This was the beginning of the great false religious system of the world.  It was halted and postponed by God, when He confused their language and separated them, dispersed them, and they became the nations, migrating to every continent.

Religion, in the great empires of the world, has always been used to appease and control the masses, giving the people what they need to satisfy their hunger for spirituality, the hunger which we all have, because we were created by God.  Only the fool does not recognize this. This recognition by the peoples of the world, that there is a God,  creates a need for religion to satisfy the obvious need for spirituality.  Therefore the whole world has become full of religions, all false, except for one.

The one true God, Jesus Christ.  Revealed to the world two thousand years ago.  He was the Prophet that Moses referred to when he said: "The Lord shall raise up a Prophet like me from among your brethren, and it shall come about that anyone who does not heed the words of that Prophet shall be cut off from among the people".  He was, and is, and always will be the word of God.  He says: "you will find me when you search with all your heart".  He has given us "a way" to find Him, obedience, obedience to the truth.  It is also said, "The gifts and the callings of God are irrevocable."  and also He said, "Many are called but few are chosen."

God has graciously given the calling of the Kingdom to mankind, and He gives a portion of the Spirit to those who seek Him, and believe in Him.  A taste of the Spirit, so to speak, so that a person can taste of the Lord, and see that He is good.  The introductory, and conciliatory aspects of the truth. The preliminary steps, and concepts for understanding who God is, and what He wants us to do.  This is the "milk" of the Word, the first steps, the way in which a new believer receives an introduction to the Lord and then grows into a mature believer, being able to rightly divide the Word, and to help others obey the truth.

But the religious systems of the world have used and corrupted the "milk of the Word".  The religious systems of the world, create hierarchies, build temples, create a "clergy class" of people, train priests/pontiffs/Pastors in colleges, establish titles, so that men can exert control and influence over the people, and control what they believe and practice.  They keep the people immature in their thinking, and growth, so that they can control them.  After all, it is very easy to steal from babies, and this basic premise is whats at work in this system.  Most people do not understand that the present day religious systems, or organizations have been patterned from the original worldly/pagan-Roman/Babylonian religious system.  All of the organizations, both denominational, and non-denominational are entirely false in their structure and practice.  Its not that they have recently gone south, the real truth is that they have always been wrong, even though many people have been sincere and the remnant (true followers of Christ) have always existed in spite of the system.  Still the structure of the system has always been false and God is always calling His chosen ones (the remnant) out of the system, so that they may be led by the Spirit, and not controlled by the system.

The organizations have corrupted the truth, and suppressed many essential mature doctrines, in order to keep the people suppressed so that they will support the organizations agendas.  Every week they go to their temples and drink the milk of the Word, week after week, year after year, thinking that this is the way it should be.  The organizations have suppressed the doctrines that do not work in their favor, or support their agenda.  They have excluded doctrines concerning immorality, materialism, greed, feminism, discipline, just to name a few,  they have built temples, schools, colleges, and many other things with large staffs of people working for these organizations. All of this takes tremendous amounts of money, which creates a heavy load for the typical attendees.

First of all, as Christians, we are not Temple builders.  Jesus never intended his people to be Temple builders, and yet what happens when a group of people get together, and pool their resources?  They build a temple!  This is completely contrary to Jesus' teaching.  Funds have been collected in the past to buy food and covering for the elderly, poor, widows, and orphans, but the organizations have used this simple practice of the early church to justify huge expensive organizations.  This was never intended by the Lord.

They have exploited the wonderful pure milk of the word, and corrupted it into a false religious system.  They have become masters of licentiousness and adultery.  They steal from the people, all the while pretending to serve the Lord.  Their love of money, power, and prestige has caused them to stumble, and they cannot see that they need to come out of the system and practice the truth.  They are Roman-Pharisaical hybrids who, like their predecessors, do not know the Lord and would certainly resist Him if He were to be among them like He was at that time.

Psalm 50:16-21
"16 But to the wicked God says, “What right have you to tell of My statutes
And to take My covenant in your mouth? 17 “For you hate discipline,
And you cast My words behind you.  18 “When you see a thief, you are pleased with him,  And you associate with adulterers.  19 “You let your mouth loose in evil
And your tongue frames deceit.  20 “You sit and speak against your brother;
You slander your own mother’s son.  21 “These things you have done and I kept silence;
You thought that I was just like you;  I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes."

The Lord is calling His people (the remnant) out of the system, the Roman-Babylonian-Pharisaical system.

John 14:21
"21 He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”

Come out, come out, come out, and do not participate in their sin any longer, you can not serve God, and money, and that is what they love, and serve, is money, they are the "Milk-Peddlers", the ones who are making money from the word, and they are false.

Come out, and escape the falsehood and the lies that have held us back all our lives.  Now it is time to be free of the lies, and practice the truth, with all our hearts. The Lord will confirm His word, and we will make a difference in this world before the end.

Constantly drinking the milk of the Word without obeying Christ's commandments is failure.  Escape the "Milk-Peddlers" and allow the Lord to heal your lives.

The Milk-Peddlers may have nice buildings (temples), and they have the Milk of the Word, and they might have lots of people, and even talented musicians, and performers,  But all of these things in themselves are not confirmations from the Lord.   The Milk-Peddlers have no power, and they will never have it, because they are resisting the Spirit of God.

Your brother in Christ, Rich


  1. Rich, are the milk peddlers, The Leaders Jesus refers to in Matthew 23?

    1. Not only does the term apply to them, but it applies to anyone who does not walk as Christ walked, in self reduction, self minimization, and self sacrifice. Basically it applies to anyone that profits financially from the Word of God. The moment someone builds a Temple, and practices clergical hierarchy, with a payed staff, it creates a financial agenda and it fails, quenching the Spirit because the love (or desire) for money is the root of all sorts of evil. We cannot serve God and money.


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