Monday, May 30, 2016

American Socialism


Their are many nations, and each one has its own culture, language, and national/international ideology.  Each has its own distinct outlook, and perception about the world, and how it should be.  Every nation that practices Socialism has its own version of it, because each nation is different at its core.

The United States is like other nations in this sense, it is unique, and it has developed its own version of Socialism, I am not going to give it a long scientific type name, we shall just refer to it as "American Socialism".

There are so many opinions about the definition of "Socialism".  In this article we will simply define "Socialism" as a doctrine whereas a self aggrandized ruling body inflicts its will/agenda on the common citizens.

Socialism cannot exist in and of itself, it needs a driving force, an impetus, and it has to appear as though it is offering something of value to the citizens.  This appearance of value can be used to condition the masses, and it has been used in this way for many years now.

If you have attended a public school, or college, or participated in a religious organization, or government employment, or even just turned on a television, radio, or phone, then you have been subjected to conditioning.

It is this conditioning that we will attempt to define in this article. It is important to remember that we are not ascribing any fault to any individuals, we are simply addressing a problem in the same way somebody would try to help someone that has a serious disease like cancer etc.  In the same way that many people have had diseases that were not their fault.  People can be very sincere, but at the same time be sincerely mistaken, and this is how we see the present state of our nation.  

Everyone would have to agree that the basic building block of any society is the family ie: a father, a mother, and the children, and all of the kin.  This constitutes the very fiber, and fabric of society, and civilization.  Some doctrines are beneficial to family stability, while others are not.  Doctrines that are based on truth, justice, protecting the innocent, faith, hope, love, self sacrifice, and honor, create an exceptionally vibrant environment for family growth, and health. 

 These ingredients are what this nation was built on, they are the very essence, and spirit that the founders wrote into the foundation of this country.

Like Jefferson said: "We hold these truths to be self evident".
The constitution is the very heart of the foundation.  There are many patriotic quotes, but this one is among my favorites:

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
– Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial

The things that make for a healthy, productive society are quite obvious, whereas the things that damage, and unravel the fabric of the nation are sometimes not so obvious, being obscured by agenda.

Anytime we see an intelligent person doing something damaging to the common good, or self-destructive, then we must assume that the person is mistaken in their logic, or they are being controlled by an agenda, or both.

If I were a malevolent influence that was trying to destroy the fabric of this nation, then I would attack the structure of the family, once this is done then it would be easy to dismember the nation with turmoil.  An intelligent enemy would try to attack the most vulnerable part first, but the most vulnerable point is usually the most protected point, so if the attack is going to be successful, I would have to somehow effectively remove the protection.  The most vulnerable point is always the heart.

The heart of our nation has been damaged, but this has not happened overnight, it has taken a long time.  World War II is an obvious dividing line between the old republic, and the present day socialist state.  If we consider the fear that was generated by the war, coupled with the feminist/socialist agenda propagated by the Roosevelts, and then that fear and agenda mixed with the bigotry against the minorities, and the failure of the religious organizations to speak out against feminism, bigotry, and fear because of their own financial agenda, then we can understand the dynamics that have created the present day socialist atmosphere.

What little protection that existed for the well being of the family was effectively removed during the 1940s, and the industrial feminism became the political socialist feminism of the following decades, which is the main impetus behind the demofrenetic socialist state that exists today.  

Even right before 1940 there were 26 states that still had laws prohibiting women from working men's jobs, or rather women working with men.  Today because of our socialist conditioning many would consider these laws archaic, and ridiculous.  But if we examine the ramifications of these laws we can see the wisdom that they contained.

The original logic behind these laws stated that women working men's jobs, and working with men, would be disrupting homes, and stealing jobs from the men that needed those jobs to provide for their traditional families.  If we examine history we can see that this is exactly what has happened, and is continuing to happen.

Women working with men are not only a distraction to the men, many men are lured away from their families and leave their previous obligations, which leaves their families devastated, and not only this but many women that go into the workplace of men are seduced away from their own families, which leaves them devastated.  These are real and obvious facts, and because of the conditioning many have chosen to ignore these dangers.  We are not saying that the women cannot do the jobs as well as a man can do them, what we are saying is that they should not do them because of the devastation it will cause.  Just because a person can do something doesn't mean they should do that thing.

The other part of the laws state that the women working in men's jobs would be "stealing" jobs from the men, this simply means that those women would be taking those jobs knowing that they would be "replacing" a man for that particular job, so it is not something done accidentally, or unintentionally, those women are purposely, and knowingly replacing the men in those particular jobs, all the while disregarding the dangers, and the ethical reasons for leaving those jobs to the men so that they can provide for their families in a healthy work atmosphere, free from distraction, and immoral influences.

You see the logic of these laws were to protect men, women and children in the traditional family environment, where they could thrive without danger, and be protected from malicious influences, but that protection was removed, and now in this time it is even scoffed at, and ridiculed by a conditioned culture that is losing sight of the truth.

So you see that our culture is being driven by selfish ambition, instead of being guided by the spirit of nobility, and honor, like it used to be.  There was a time in this country when most of the people did what was right simply because it was the right thing to do.  They did what was right even if they had to take a hit for it.  But this is not the case anymore, that noble spirit of America is being suppressed, and is languishing.

"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing."
James 3:16

"We the People" means that we are the ones that govern ourselves in the spirit of honor and nobility, the spirit of America that says "we hold these truths to be self evident", and we are guided by the truth, even if we do not profit from it personally, even so we do profit from doing the right thing because the country will profit from it in maintaining a healthy environment for families.

So we see that American Socialism is driven by selfish ambition, and we must resist the conditioning that is keeping us from practicing the truth, the conditioning that has dulled our senses so much that we no longer hear the millions of children crying in the dark.

It is time for us as a nation to repent, and repair what is damaged, to revive the true spirit of America, the spirit of truth and justice, and abandon the selfish ambition, and self centered behavior that has reduced us to a nation of disorder.

We must make no mistake, if we continue on the path that we are on now, we will be dismembered by turmoil, and we will fully become a people that no longer are worthy of liberty.

Resist the conditioning and embrace the truth. Have the spirit of the Old Republic in your heart.


  1. You nailed it... oh and how the fabric of our traditional values is being torn apart as the stage is being set for the return of our God.

    I would be curious to understand how divorce laws evolved as the work force changed from the '30 to today, to see how "society" (govt.) helped too set the stage. Great Article. Scotty

    1. I did a little bit more research, and it looks like the protection against reckless, and irresponsible divorce was under attack starting in 1942, making the federal government more involved in peoples lives, check out this abstract to a study:

      American divorce law was transformed by the Supreme Court in a series of decisions beginning with Williams v. North Carolina in 1942. These constitutional full faith and credit cases resolved a long-standing federalism problem by redefining the scope of state power over marital status. With these decisions, the Court shifted from an analysis based on the competing interests of different states to an approach that highlighted the individual interests of the parties involved. This change fundamentally altered state power over the family by extending to individuals greater control of their marital status. In the process, the Court cleared a path for innovations including unilateral no-fault divorce and divorce based on mutual consent and laid the foundation for a stronger national role in domestic relations law.
      William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal (Family Law Federalism: Divorce and the Constitution)


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