If you read the Bible, especially in Daniel and many New Testament passages, which I know a lot of you have, you will know that the world is destined for a global government. The Democrats and Republicans of the last 28 years have been steering our government to be part of a socialistic, homogeneous world government, trying to make everything the same and downplay any religious beliefs that will separate people. But that is not the description in the Bible. It is described as Iron mixed with clay definitely not homogeneous. Socialism is great for programs and government aid but is weak in economy and military might. The pure iron in the Bible is used to describe the Rome of old, a Republic of great military and economic strength. It lasted the longest of the empires described before the last great world wide government. So this shift in the political scene with Trump is destiny. He is talking about the Iron of the last government but he is not eradicating all of the socialist part of our government, just reigning it in. He is beginning a trend that will spread to all of the Western Countries and eventually create the last great empire of Iron and Clay. Our hope is not in mankind but in the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to concentrate on following Him and being ready for His return. Look up as redemption draws near.
...in relationship to "Heading for the World Wide Government", what is your thoughts on the Brexit?