Sunday, May 3, 2015


liberty  n, pl -ties 
1. the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; freedom from control or restriction.

In themselves Liberty, and Freedom are very good, they are highly prized, and exalted by most cultures, especially by ours.  Liberty is not achieved easily, and is difficult to hold onto, because there are many who would try to take it away.  There are those who think that everyone has to be controlled, and that they themselves have been "chosen" to control everyone, and we, as a people have always been able to keep those who would dominate us in check.  In fact our nation's system has "built-in" safeties to ward against such individuals because the founders knew human nature very well, and provided for it in the foundation.

Nevertheless Freedom and Liberty can be very dangerous to the person that is not responsible with such power, in the sense that they become like the proverbial "man that had too much rope". Jefferson once said "A Republic cannot survive unless God is the King",  an amazingly true statement, and all of the founders understood that Liberty is an extremely powerful thing, and it must be maintained with temperance, and self control based on godly principles.  Each person controlling themselves with principles that promote, and foster a healthy environment where Justice, and Truth can thrive.

Knowing this information one might ask, "Is there anything more important than Liberty?"
 And I would have to answer, "Yes."  Truth is more important than Liberty, in the sense that, if you don't have Truth then Liberty becomes corrupted, and instead of fostering a healthy environment, you create a poisoned one, where Justice, and Equity are suppressed, and the culture will suffer extreme ill effects, and will continue to descend until it dies.  Truth is what gives balance, and equilibrium to Liberty and Freedom.
One might say, "What about the churches, aren't  they supposed to help people understand God's Truths so that they can create a healthy environment?"  In Truth, the Religious Organizations that exist in every city in this country are not accurate representations of the Original Church of Jesus Christ. They are False Pagan-Judeo-Christian representations of the Original Universal Church.  

They are Clergical-Organizational-Temple building-PolyChrist-Milk Peddling-Generational-Dissolute-Social Clubs, that are not even close to what the Lord Jesus had intended His Church to be.  In Fact they are closer to the old religion of the Classical Roman Pontiff lead Pagan era, where Priests were trained in colleges, and then employed to run the temples of all the various gods, in which people would amass wealth, and receive "blessings" from the gods through the priests.  Only now instead of the gods, they use various denominational versions of Jesus Christ, which ever version fits their personal social agenda.

The Truths found in the Bible, Jesus Christ's Words alone are what determines a man's reality, not the opinions of employed religious leaders.  The True Church of Jesus Christ is populated and fielded by disciples that exist all over the world.  Disciples that speak the Truth in its entirety, people who exist and thrive in spite of the false religious systems, and not because of them.

My ancestors had always participated in the various religious organizations, starting with a "Baptist" enculturation, I proceeded to participate in the various denominations, never really finding or achieving what I desired in my heart, always feeling that something was wrong, something that I could never really put my finger on.  Also having experienced the tumult and excitement of the New-Age "Revival" of the late 1960's, and 70's, I participated in the "non-denominational" Denominations, The grass-roots one at that time being "Calvary Chapel", started by Chuck Smith, and Lonnie Frisbee.  A "Non-Denomination" that would start out having the power of the Milk of the Word, and its chief gimmicks being "Non-Materialism", and Universal Acceptance.  Although Chuck, and many others were sincere, they were sincerely wrong in their approach to true Christianity, Chuck's legacy would become just another clergical non-denominational, denomination, froth with compromise.

Chuck in holding to the clergical materialist organizational teachings of his past just created an organization of compromise that does not speak out against materialism, wealth, feminism, divorce, and remarriage.  I myself witnessed many examples of the organization actually encouraging divorce and remarriage.  Promulgating false-grace doctrines, teaching heretical Zionism combined with dispensationalism, and Pre-Trib Rapture doctrines, along with licentious teachings pertaining to divorce and remarriage, the organization might as well be called "Adultery Chapel".

All of The Religious Organizations are failures primarily due to the compromise that comes when people try to mix materialism, clergyism, sociogenics, and wealth with Christianity, which absolutely does not work, and never has.  The Lord God Jesus Christ Himself showed us the examples of Anti-Wealth, Anti-Material, Anti-Self, and is completely against any form of sexual immorality, including a man marrying a divorced woman, which amounts to adultery.

This is why the Religious Organizations in this country do not have real power, they do not exhibit the signs that are supposed to follow those who are true disciples. They always give you plenty of excuses why they don't have power, but we know that it is because the Lord has debased them so that people would know that they are not genuine.

We are attempting to follow the Lord Jesus as He intended, and we know that it has to be apart from the Organizations. More people are starting to understand that this is true, and we have talked with many people who are beginning to understand how the truth has been suppressed by the Organizations because of their agendas.

We invite you to follow along with us without materialism, wealth, and showmanship, just hard-working simple home fellowships in a network of love, and Truth.

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