Sunday, October 11, 2015

Candidate Musing, Could a Revival be Coming?

Just sayin' out of something interesting ...Has anyone noticed how much Donald Trump looks like Caesar Augustus and Trump's daughter, Ivanka, looks like Augustus' daughter, Julia?  Here are a few images I pulled off the internet the other day to compare.  To me, Trump and his daughter, Invanka look Claudian.

    I found some more statues of Cesar Augustus that reminded me of Trump. Granted, politicians and leaders do a lot of pointing but the bottom 2 are pretty interesting in that the finger held up is very Trump and Cesar Augustus was commemorated in a statue with the same pointing hand. 

    Comparing Trump's similarities to Augustus is not me saying that I think he is going to be a king, but that he is demonstrating strong leadership qualities. All I thought of Trump before this campaign was that he was a rich playboy that had a funny hairdo. When I saw the statue of Augustus standing with the little cupid, which is the Roman god Venus' son, at his feet, I read that his patron God was Venus. His great uncle, Julius Caesar claimed to be descendant of her. When I read about Venus, this is what she stood for in the Roman culture: love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and desire. Hmmm, that sounds a lot like Trump too. Could be what some people may find distasteful about him, 3 marriages with "trophy wives", cheated on his wives, super wealthy etc. Well Augustus had 3 wives, cheated on them and was very wealthy but he was a great leader and made Rome very powerful. He used his vast wealth to help the people and he forgave a lot of taxes so they could build their farms and business again. He was extremely popular with the people and was a military genius. He made Rome's armies very strong and was the first to give their soldiers the benefit of retirement.  He really didn't want the position, but the people made him the first Emperor of Rome.  

    Rome had been a republic for about 500 years and it was failing and their was lots of crime and financial troubles.  Under his rule he brought peace and prosperity to the nation.  I realized you don't have to be sexually moral to be noble and care for a country.  He did see that the extreme sexual immorality of the ruling class was destroying the people.  He did try to legislate a moral reform, but was unsuccessful.     I found this article very interesting and informative:

    After reading this article I realized what Augustus did for Rome, aided in the early spread of the Gospel. He united the empire, calmed the civil unrest and made Rome great. Our country is in a lot of civil unrest and disillusionment with how the government is being run.