Saturday, November 15, 2014

Revival in the Millennial Generation

Millennials, who are they?  Well Millennials is a term used for the generation of kids in America born around 1980 up to the mid 90's and have come to adulthood near the turn of the century.  They got their name from a noticeable event that happened in their lives in history.  My generation, the Baby Boomers, were those people born after WW2 when the troops came home, the economy boomed and everybody started having kids. 

What impact do the Millennials have in my life? They are a generation of kids that my heart breaks for.  The first time they came to my attention, several years ago, when I saw a slide show in the church we used to attend, that they were growing up and leaving the churches in America in large numbers.  They were saying that only 4% of them were professing Christianity.  This statistic saddened my heart and I began to read about the Millenial generation in national polls and observing them through facebook and all around me.  Millennials are the children of divorce.  In 1970 the no fault divorce laws came to all the states in the US and the divorce rate zoomed to 50%.  The laws before this time required a much longer waiting time for divorces to be finalized and some criteria to happen before they were granted.  These laws were put into place to stop rash behavior and reckless divorce.  If the Millenial kids themselves were not troubled with divorce in their family, they were friends with or in relationships with people who were.  This huge influx of kids from divorce made a big impact on our society and our country.  Much darker than what  a lot of people realized when these kids were little.  

Now that they are adults they are resonating the things that happened to them when they were young. 
They are like the full bloom of a crop that's roots began 40 years prior to their birth.  I hear older people say, "What happened? What are these kids thinking? Why are they doing what they are doing?"  Many say, "What has our society come to?"  Like these kids came out of nowhere and somehow morphed into the general practices of today.  Well I guess I should list some things that are the general practices of today in the young people,  41.7% of babies are now born to unwed mothers, 65% of the them are sympathetic to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender lifestyles. They are big consumers of alcohol.  Alcoholism is worse than drug abuse in their generation.  They are tattooed, body pierced and vacating the evangelical churches.  The majority of them are gun shy of marriage and feel it necessary to live with their partner for a length of time to make sure that the relationship will last.  Of all the kids polled across the US in this age group the 2 things that came up on top for importance in their lives is, first be a good parent and second to have a marriage relationship that lasts.  Being a good parent and having marriage that lasts comes from the deep hurt and pain and betrayal they felt as children when their parents divorced or being raised from before they could remember without a dad or being tossed back and forth between homes.  These broken homes were hot beds for growing the feelings of homosexuality and promiscuity.  When a young boy feels abandoned by his dad at a very young age, he becomes confused and thinks that longing for affirmation from his dad or affirmation from men in general, is a sexual desire towards men.  Also when girls are abandoned by their dad or are abused by a step father fall into lesbianism as the pain that a man caused her makes her draw away and want to be loved by a woman.  These feelings come so young sometimes that they think they are born that way.  Not all turn to homosexuality, some become promiscuous  and very sensual trying to fill the gaping emotional need in their lives.  They are looking for love but in all the wrong places.  

Some people may say,  "These kids need the Lord" or "They need to go to church and get saved."  But a lot of this kids came from homes where their folks went to church or their grandparents went to church and many generations of family members went to church before them.  Sadly to say the divorce rates remained the same whether in church or not.  One of the biggest beefs the kids have, is against the Evangelicals.  They are more drawn to high church with simple church attendance, structure and liturgy but you leave and go on with your life as usual with a promise of heaven. A lot of them make up their own way, by being nice, doing a "Pay it Forward" thing, thinking God isn't upset with immoral practices as long as you are not hurting anyone, participating in benevolent things like giving out free food and giving the bum on the street some money.  They feel this is a more simple and honest approach to spirituality.  

They echo the generation before them, their parents, the Baby Boomers, the Hippies.  I want to talk a little bit about the Hippies.  I skinned in as a Baby Boomer as I was born in 1960.  The Hippy Era happened when I was really young and didn't have much impact on me socially but I do remember some stuff.  I remember watching a TV show that showed a protest where a gal stood up and said, "Gals we need to burn our bras ... but take them off first!"  I can remember as a little child just cracking up over that.  I remember the peace signs and the Coca Cola song, "I'd love to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." I remember seeing a young hippie mother walking down the street with her bare pregnant belly showing that had a really good tan, so I knew she must of gone around like that for a while.  The Hippie movement was like a flash in the pan but it left embers that never went out.  They were a disillusioned group of kids that were coming against the status quo.  They were angered by the senselessness of the Vietnam War.  They were disillusioned with the church, with materialism and the establishment.  They expressed it by not working, growing their hair long, loose morals called "free love".  They delved into drug use and eastern religions trying to find the truth.  Within a few years most of them went back to a "normal" life.  But, like I said the embers remained.  Some of it good and some of it bad.  People began to see the world in a different light.  They became less prejudice of other cultures, being more sympathetic to the poor, more acceptance of the blacks in our country, intermarrying with people of other races, more conscientious of hazards to the environment, etc.  The down side was the loss of sexual morality, permanence of marriage, they were more permissive with their children as far as discipline and not wanting too much accountability for themselves.  Pursuing their own happiness, careers and lifestyles.  

The Millennial generation grew up in this.  The begining of the breakdown of sexual morality in their parent's generation, meant more babies conceived apart from marriage and then the folks "having to get married", then being unsatisfied and busting up the relationship.  People married fast to please their folks and themselves, because of lack of self control.  Again these marriages not lasting or were dysfunctional and leaving kids in the wake of all of this.  These kids were not having to go off to a war, they were living in one.  

One of the things I have heard young Millennials say to the people in Evangelical churches is,  "You are pointing at the homosexuals as being bad but you sit in heterosexual sin, the church is full of it and you are not repenting of that. You know I didn't hear about anybody marching on Washington DC or signing petitions for their government leaders when the divorce laws changed! So just leave the Gays alone."  I have read that they are saying the church is full of hypocrisy.  They have heard all their lives about the grace of God that covers our sin and all God sees is Jesus and why can't he do that for Gays too?  Many of the young kids think that Jesus would not of taken exception to homosexual behavior because that would not be loving and the church has been giving these huge love messages for as long as they can remember.  They are sending a message that things should be loosened up and give people a break.  They are disillusioned with the organized church, especially the Evangelical churches so they are leaving in great numbers when they reach adulthood.  The Baby Boomers in the Evangelical churches have unraveled the moral fiber by being accommodating to divorce and encouraging adulterous marriages and winking at living together but they are holding the tide at homosexuality.  

The Millinnials are saying you need to unravel your moral fiber more.  Do we?  My husband and I feel that the moral fiber needs to be re knit and not loosened up.  Not until you get at the root of this thing by repenting of heterosexual sin in single relationships and married couples will you be able to reach this generation of disillusioned  kids with the power of the Holy Spirit.  A generation sympathetic and unrepentant to divorce, adultery and fornication raises a generation sympathetic and unrepentant to homosexuality.  The world makes this digression look like a progression of liberty but in reality it is a progression of bondage.  This bondage is the loss of the power of the Spirit of God and the work of the Holy Spirit which is conviction and repentance of sin, breaking down strongholds in peoples lives of physical illness, death, addictions and selfishness.  The church system in America has very little power from the Holy Spirit because of the compromise it supports.  There are commitments to Christ and some release from addictions and you hear every once in a while of healing of cancer or mental illness.  I really haven't ever seen a blind man receive his sight or a withered hand grown out or for that matter the dead raised.  Most of the people go to the doctors first for surgery, chemo therapy or medication.  Some think you are a pipe dreamer or weird if you don't run to the doctor first.  Some think that God heals through the doctors now.   It certainly is not like the story told in the Gospels or in the Book of Acts.

Now when John, while imprisoned, heard of the works of Christ, he sentword by his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?” Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: the blind receive sight and thelame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who does not take offense at Me.”  Matthew 11: 2-6

"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwisebelieve because of the works themselves.  Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. Whatever you 
ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it  If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."  John 14:11-15   

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