Your Home is your Ministry, Your Neighborhood is your mission field.
We have been deceived, conditioned, and brainwashed to believe that our main ministry is somewhere other than our own Homes. It is important to remember that our Lord warned us about people who would say that we have to go here or there to find Him.
What is a man's ministry? His Home, we must not neglect the foundation of the Church of Christ for romantic dreams of our ministry being in places other than our own Homes. People with selfish financial agendas that have created large organizations will tell you lies. They will tell you that the organization is your 'Church Home', but that is a lie, the truth is that you are the church that exists worldwide, and your Home is your ministry, and your neighborhood is your outreach.
What is a man's duty to his Home? To work hard with his hands to provide and support the Home, to love and support his wife, to love and help train his children in the ways of the Lord, to protect them from evil influences, to include his family in all of his activities, and show them that he loves them and is giving himself to them as Christ did.
What is a woman's duty to her Home? To help provide a clean, loving, nurturing environment for her husband and children, to homeschool her children in the ways of the Lord and to protect her children from evil influences. She should be satisfied and thankful for the money that her husband provides and make due with that amount. The peace, happiness, and blessing that comes from God to a Home does not depend on the size or beauty of the Home, but on the Love that exists within the hearts of the members of that Home.
Money is not happiness, do not desire it. Happiness is found in a Godly Home with thankfulness and contentment, and humble obedience to the Lord Jesus' Commandments.
Men, the greatest thing you can do for God and Country is be the leader of your Godly Home, and Love your wife and children with the benevolence that creates a strong, healthy environment.
Leading by example and not by compulsion, yet providing the discipline necessary for good psychology to lay a foundation for self discipline in the hearts of your children that they will need to survive this world and make it to the next.
Working hard to create a Godly Home will not only bless you and your children, but also those around you in your neighborhood, which is your outreach.
Men, if your wondering what your ministry is, and you don't know what God wants you to do, then you are missing the boat, it is quite clear what God's will for your life is, to have a Godly Home. Not some romantic dream of being a missionary in some far off land, your mission field is right in front of you, and you are neglecting it. Get right, get poor, get humble, and get busy.
Women, your greatest contribution to God and Mankind is to fulfill the Godly order by respecting God, and your husband, and becoming the Master Homemaker that God created you to be.
Pro 13:7 There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; And one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.
If one wants to see what the early church looked like then you need not look any further than your own Godly Home.
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